by nancymusarra | May 19, 2023 | Parents of Kids with Special Needs
As the kids get older, parents worry that because of these challenges, their children may be excluded or rejected by their peers, too. There is nothing more joyful for parents than to bring home an adorable new baby. Parents are excited as they watch their children...
by nancymusarra | Mar 22, 2023 | Blog, Parents of Kids with Special Needs
Managing the ups and downs of parenting can be difficult regardless of whether your child is a typically developing child, or a child with special needs. However, for parents of children diagnosed with special needs, the twists and unexpected turns can be...
by nancymusarra | Sep 23, 2022 | Parents of Kids with Special Needs, Uncategorized
I had a two-year-old little boy when my daughter was born and I was excited to have a girl. But just days after she was born, I noticed that something was different. She did not act like other babies. Instead, she seemed to be at one extreme or the other. She either...
by nancymusarra2 | May 13, 2022 | Parents of Kids with Special Needs, Uncategorized
Marriage is a big decision. Couples choose marriage for a variety of reasons — they love their partner, are committed to companionship, and want to formally enter into an exclusive relationship that will last forever. So, it’s no surprise that couples will often...
by nancymusarra2 | May 13, 2022 | Parents of Kids with Special Needs
Four decades of research illustrate that many children who are exposed to chronic stressful experiences such as poverty, family chaos, and various types of abuse, often develop physical health problems as adults. Diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes,...
by nancymusarra2 | Apr 14, 2022 | Parents of Kids with Special Needs, Uncategorized
Why would someone, who seems to be doing well with their recovery, start drinking again? This scenario often puzzles family and friends. Especially when they have witnessed a loved one successfully detox, maintain sobriety, and appear happy to reconnect with important...