Court and Law Enforcement Staff, Police Officers, Fire & Rescue & EMS Professionals
Dealing with Autism and Neurodevelopmental Challenges in Public Safety

Summary Description of Workshop:
This first responder workshop provides an in depth look at safety, crime, and forensics related to autism and other neurodevelopmental challenges. Clinical features of this special population are illustrated with regard to interviews, social interactions, sensory triggers, and misconceptions about disability.
Court cases, video examples, and group participation will help attendees recognize symptoms and learn specific tactics when encountering an individual in crisis and unable to cope. Participants will learn to recognize a meltdown, de-escalate a situation, and interact accordingly when encountering an individual who may be stimming, hallucinating, naked, or wandering. These features may emerge whether the individual is a witness, suspect, or victim of a crime.
By becoming familiar, and by learning practical communication strategies, first responders will be able to manage stressful situations before they escalate into a full-blown crisis.
Specific Content Areas of Workshop:
1. Recognizing Challenges
2. Understanding Risks and Vulnerabilities
3. Becoming Familiar with the Person
4. Safety Techniques
5. Being Prepared for Interactions
Specific Case Examples Discussed During Workshop:
1. Tantrum or Meltdown: “He’s nearly broken my nose”
2. Adam at the Mall: “Child abuse or parenting…”
3. Interviews: “I punched Tom because…”
4. Attempted Murder Charge: “If I tell the truth, I will go home.”
5. Traffic Stop: “Autism as a Defense”
6. Death Penalty and Fetal Alcohol Defense
7. Autism and 30 years in jail: “I will probably die in jail…”
8. Non-Verbal Adult: “You hate to throw away your child…”
Summary of Workshop Concludes with 30 Take Home Tactics
Please inquire if you would like Nancy to teach this vital workshop to your team.
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